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What does it do?

  • A table is used to make information easier for users to compare and scan

When to use it?

  • Use the table component to let users compare information in rows and columns.

When not to use it?

  • Never use the table component to layout content on a page. Instead, use the grid system.

How it works

  • You need to create a heading (title) for the table using <caption> tags. A caption helps users find, navigate and understand tables.
  • Use table headers to tell users what the rows and columns represent. Use the scope attribute to help users of assistive technology distinguish between row and column headers.
  • When comparing columns of numbers, align the numbers to the right in table cells.
  • If you are trying to display lots of columns, contact Design Team to discuss how best to achieve this.

Table with Headers

Table title

Table caption
Header 1Header 2Header 3
Cell 1Cell 2Cell 3
Cell 1Cell 2Cell 3

HTML markup
<table class="wmnds-table">
    Table title
  <caption class="wmnds-table__caption">
    Table caption
      <th scope="col">Header 1</th>
      <th scope="col">Header 2</th>
      <th scope="col">Header 3</th>
      <th scope="row" data-header="Header 1">
        Cell 1
      <td data-header="Header 2">
        Cell 2
      <td data-header="Header 3">
        Cell 3
      <th scope="row" data-header="Header 1">
        Cell 1
      <td data-header="Header 2">
        Cell 2
      <td data-header="Header 3">
        Cell 3

Nunjucks markup
{% from "wmnds/components/table/_table.njk" import wmndsTable %}

      caption: "Table Caption",
      title: "Table Title",
      firstCellIsHeader: true,
      classes: "wmnds-m-b-xl",
      rows: [
            contentText: "Cell 1",
            contentHTML: null,
            classes: null,
            colspan: 1,
            rowspan: 1,
            contentText: "Cell 2",
            contentHTML: null,
            classes: null,
            colspan: 1,
            rowspan: 1,
            contentText: "Cell 3",
            contentHTML: null,
            classes: null,
            colspan: 1,
            rowspan: 1,
            contentText: "Cell 1",
            contentHTML: null,
            classes: null,
            colspan: 1,
            rowspan: 1,
            contentText: "Cell 2",
            contentHTML: null,
            classes: null,
            colspan: 1,
            rowspan: 1,
            contentText: "Cell 3",
            contentHTML: null,
            classes: null,
            colspan: 1,
            rowspan: 1,
      head: [
          contentText: "Header 1",
          contentHTML: null,
          classes: null,
          colspan: 1,
          rowspan: 1,
          contentText: "Header 2",
          contentHTML: null,
          classes: null,
          colspan: 1,
          rowspan: 1,
          contentText: "Header 3",
          contentHTML: null,
          classes: null,
          colspan: 1,
          rowspan: 1,
      hideHeader: false

Nunjucks properties
captionstringCaption text
titlestringTable title (displayed as h3)
firstCellIsHeaderbooleanIf set to false, first cell in table row will be a td instead of a th. Default value is true
classesstringAdditional classes to add to the table container.
rowsarrayRequired. Array of table rows and cells. See options for rows below.
headarrayArray of table head cells. See options for head below. Will not show if hideHeader is true.
hideHeaderbooleanDetermines whether to display a table header row (thead) at the top of the table. Set to false by default.

Options for rows

contentTextstringRequired. If html is set, this is not required. Text for cells in table rows. If html is provided, the contentText argument will be ignored.
contentHTMLstringRequired. If contentText is set, this is not required. HTML for cells in table rows. If contentHTML is provided, the contentText argument will be ignored
classesstringAdditional classes to add to the table row cell.
colspanintegerSpecify how many columns a cell extends.
rowspanintegerSpecify how many rows a cell extends.

Options for head

contentTextstringRequired. Text for cells in table head. If contentHTML is provided, the contentText argument will be used for mobile headers.
contentHTMLstringRequired. If contentText is set, this is not required. HTML for cells in table rows. If contentHTML is provided, the contentText argument will be ignored
classesstringAdditional classes to add to the table row cell.
colspanintegerSpecify how many columns a cell extends.
rowspanintegerSpecify how many rows a cell extends.

Recommended javascript (browser compatible)
"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
  value: true
exports["default"] = void 0;

var tableJS = function tableJS() {
  var tables = document.querySelectorAll('.wmnds-table');

  var getTableHeadChildren = function getTableHeadChildren(table) {
    var tHeadChildren = table.querySelectorAll('thead tr > *'); // Using querySelectorAll as it has a fallback of an empty node list. Using children returns HTMLCollection which we can't forEach through.

    return tHeadChildren; // Return node list

  var iterateTables = function iterateTables(table) {
    var theadChildren = getTableHeadChildren(table); // Get all children from thead section

    if (!theadChildren.length) return table.classList.add('wmnds-table--without-header'); // If no headers found, add without-header class
    // Otherwise...
    // If our node list is greater than 1, then there are headers

    var tRows = table.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr'); // Get all table rows in our table body section

    return tRows.forEach(function(tRow) {
      var cells = tRow.querySelectorAll('td'); // Get all cells within our row
      // Loop through each cell within our row...

      cells.forEach(function(cell, i) {
        var newCell = cell; // Map to new var to avoid mutating original

        var tHeadText = theadChildren[i].innerText; // Map the index of the cell to the index of the header we want as it will be in the same column of the table

        newCell.dataset.header = tHeadText; // Change the data-header on our cell to the header text so it appears on mobile
  }; // START HERE

  if (tables.length) tables.forEach(iterateTables);

var _default = tableJS();

exports["default"] = _default;

Recommended javascript (ES6)
const tableJS = () => {
  const tables = document.querySelectorAll('.wmnds-table');

  const getTableHeadChildren = table => {
    const tHeadChildren = table.querySelectorAll('thead tr > *'); // Using querySelectorAll as it has a fallback of an empty node list. Using children returns HTMLCollection which we can't forEach through.

    return tHeadChildren; // Return node list

  const iterateTables = table => {
    const theadChildren = getTableHeadChildren(table); // Get all children from thead section

    if (!theadChildren.length) return table.classList.add('wmnds-table--without-header'); // If no headers found, add without-header class

    // Otherwise...

    // If our node list is greater than 1, then there are headers
    const tRows = table.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr'); // Get all table rows in our table body section

    return tRows.forEach(tRow => {
      const cells = tRow.querySelectorAll('td'); // Get all cells within our row

      // Loop through each cell within our row...
      cells.forEach((cell, i) => {
        const newCell = cell; // Map to new var to avoid mutating original
        const tHeadText = theadChildren[i].innerText; // Map the index of the cell to the index of the header we want as it will be in the same column of the table
        newCell.dataset.header = tHeadText; // Change the data-header on our cell to the header text so it appears on mobile

  if (tables.length) tables.forEach(iterateTables);

export default tableJS();

Table without Headers

Table Title
Cell 1Cell 2
Cell 1Cell 2

HTML markup
<table class="wmnds-table wmnds-table--without-header">
  <caption class="wmnds-table__caption">
    Table Title
      <th scope="row" data-header="Header 1">
        Cell 1
      <td data-header="Header 2">
        Cell 2
      <th scope="row" data-header="Header 1">
        Cell 1
      <td data-header="Header 2">
        Cell 2

Nunjucks markup
{% from "wmnds/components/table/_table.njk" import wmndsTable %}

      caption: "Table Caption",
      title: "Table Title",
      firstCellIsHeader: true,
      classes: "wmnds-m-b-xl",
      rows: [
            contentText: "Cell 1",
            contentHTML: null,
            classes: null,
            colspan: 1,
            rowspan: 1,
            contentText: "Cell 2",
            contentHTML: null,
            classes: null,
            colspan: 1,
            rowspan: 1,
            contentText: "Cell 3",
            contentHTML: null,
            classes: null,
            colspan: 1,
            rowspan: 1,
            contentText: "Cell 1",
            contentHTML: null,
            classes: null,
            colspan: 1,
            rowspan: 1,
            contentText: "Cell 2",
            contentHTML: null,
            classes: null,
            colspan: 1,
            rowspan: 1,
            contentText: "Cell 3",
            contentHTML: null,
            classes: null,
            colspan: 1,
            rowspan: 1,
      head: [
          contentText: "Header 1",
          contentHTML: null,
          classes: null,
          colspan: 1,
          rowspan: 1,
          contentText: "Header 2",
          contentHTML: null,
          classes: null,
          colspan: 1,
          rowspan: 1,
          contentText: "Header 3",
          contentHTML: null,
          classes: null,
          colspan: 1,
          rowspan: 1,
      hideHeader: false

Nunjucks properties
captionstringCaption text
titlestringTable title (displayed as h3)
firstCellIsHeaderbooleanIf set to false, first cell in table row will be a td instead of a th. Default value is true
classesstringAdditional classes to add to the table container.
rowsarrayRequired. Array of table rows and cells. See options for rows below.
headarrayArray of table head cells. See options for head below. Will not show if hideHeader is true.
hideHeaderbooleanDetermines whether to display a table header row (thead) at the top of the table. Set to false by default.

Options for rows

contentTextstringRequired. If html is set, this is not required. Text for cells in table rows. If html is provided, the contentText argument will be ignored.
contentHTMLstringRequired. If contentText is set, this is not required. HTML for cells in table rows. If contentHTML is provided, the contentText argument will be ignored
classesstringAdditional classes to add to the table row cell.
colspanintegerSpecify how many columns a cell extends.
rowspanintegerSpecify how many rows a cell extends.

Options for head

contentTextstringRequired. Text for cells in table head. If contentHTML is provided, the contentText argument will be used for mobile headers.
contentHTMLstringRequired. If contentText is set, this is not required. HTML for cells in table rows. If contentHTML is provided, the contentText argument will be ignored
classesstringAdditional classes to add to the table row cell.
colspanintegerSpecify how many columns a cell extends.
rowspanintegerSpecify how many rows a cell extends.

Recommended javascript (browser compatible)
"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
  value: true
exports["default"] = void 0;

var tableJS = function tableJS() {
  var tables = document.querySelectorAll('.wmnds-table');

  var getTableHeadChildren = function getTableHeadChildren(table) {
    var tHeadChildren = table.querySelectorAll('thead tr > *'); // Using querySelectorAll as it has a fallback of an empty node list. Using children returns HTMLCollection which we can't forEach through.

    return tHeadChildren; // Return node list

  var iterateTables = function iterateTables(table) {
    var theadChildren = getTableHeadChildren(table); // Get all children from thead section

    if (!theadChildren.length) return table.classList.add('wmnds-table--without-header'); // If no headers found, add without-header class
    // Otherwise...
    // If our node list is greater than 1, then there are headers

    var tRows = table.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr'); // Get all table rows in our table body section

    return tRows.forEach(function(tRow) {
      var cells = tRow.querySelectorAll('td'); // Get all cells within our row
      // Loop through each cell within our row...

      cells.forEach(function(cell, i) {
        var newCell = cell; // Map to new var to avoid mutating original

        var tHeadText = theadChildren[i].innerText; // Map the index of the cell to the index of the header we want as it will be in the same column of the table

        newCell.dataset.header = tHeadText; // Change the data-header on our cell to the header text so it appears on mobile
  }; // START HERE

  if (tables.length) tables.forEach(iterateTables);

var _default = tableJS();

exports["default"] = _default;

Recommended javascript (ES6)
const tableJS = () => {
  const tables = document.querySelectorAll('.wmnds-table');

  const getTableHeadChildren = table => {
    const tHeadChildren = table.querySelectorAll('thead tr > *'); // Using querySelectorAll as it has a fallback of an empty node list. Using children returns HTMLCollection which we can't forEach through.

    return tHeadChildren; // Return node list

  const iterateTables = table => {
    const theadChildren = getTableHeadChildren(table); // Get all children from thead section

    if (!theadChildren.length) return table.classList.add('wmnds-table--without-header'); // If no headers found, add without-header class

    // Otherwise...

    // If our node list is greater than 1, then there are headers
    const tRows = table.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr'); // Get all table rows in our table body section

    return tRows.forEach(tRow => {
      const cells = tRow.querySelectorAll('td'); // Get all cells within our row

      // Loop through each cell within our row...
      cells.forEach((cell, i) => {
        const newCell = cell; // Map to new var to avoid mutating original
        const tHeadText = theadChildren[i].innerText; // Map the index of the cell to the index of the header we want as it will be in the same column of the table
        newCell.dataset.header = tHeadText; // Change the data-header on our cell to the header text so it appears on mobile

  if (tables.length) tables.forEach(iterateTables);

export default tableJS();